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January 2023 - Wednesday Sangha Meeting dates


We meet every Wednesday. The 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday (if there is one in the month) are in-person and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday are on line - please see word document below.

For in-person meetings, we meet in the Library at Redland Meeting House, 126 Hampton Road, Redland, Bristol BS6 6JE. We gather at 19.15 to start at 19.30 and finish by 21.00. Please ring the Library bell if there is no one to let you in at the front door.

Please note there are 6 steps up to the library.

To receive the link to the on-line events please email:

On-line meeting start promptly at 19.30 and we ask that participants arrive at least 5 minutes in advance to settle.

Below is a word document with the dates of our 2023 meetings

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